Reawaken your spirit, retrain your nervous system, rewire your mind!
Change your perspective, find your purpose, live your passion!!

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You’re in the right place.
Revitalize Your Health and Spirit in the Cycle Breakers Community, an elevated fitness and wellness experience with Dr. Harte, a physical therapist, best selling author and sober mom of two. Together, we can change how we move, think, and live one day at a time.

Introducing The

If you are on a healing journey for your body and spirit, you’re in the right place. Together, we can reconnect with ourselves and each other so we can love who we are and live the life of our dreams.

•  Immediate access to our content library with hundreds of pre-recorded workouts, stretch programs and guided meditations.

•  Exclusive "how to" content with Dr. Harte who offers practical steps to guide you in rewiring the mind-body-soul connection.

•  Monthly challenges to help you create new habits and live your purpose.

 A Live Q+A each month with Dr. Samantha who will share her knowledge and answer your questions.

•  A private self-paced online community that supports each other through their mind-body health and wellness journey.

•  Regularly added workout and wellness videos to keep you engaged and inspired.

•  Personal development exercises designed to help you become your best self.

•  Expert advice from top wellness professionals within Dr. Harte’s network.

What sets this program apart is our commitment to guiding you at every step, ensuring you achieve lasting breakthroughs in both your physical and mental wellness. At last!


Build a Community with people around the world
Make Real Connections with other like-minded individuals
Learn Injury Prevention techniques for life  
Change Negative Thought Patterns
Practice Tiny Habits and See Big Results

The Cycle Breakers Monthly Wellness Journey Is For YOU…

✅  Anyone looking for safe, effective workouts for longevity

✅  Your physical and mental energy levels are depleted

✅  Anyone looking for community and connection with people all over the world

✅  Anyone looking for a step by step process for their mental and physical health journey

✅  Anyone looking to change their life for the better

The Cycle Breakers Community Addresses All Of The Following:

• Perfectionism

• Chronic pain

• Weight Fluctuation

• Pain during exercise 

• Anxiety and Depression

• Lack of clarity about your purpose

• Addiction to anything—not just substances

• Inconsistent Progress in Your Wellness Goals

See Real Results

Join us and make the small changes that lead to BIG results. Cycle Breakers isn’t like other wellness programs—it’s built on genuine care and the expertise of Dr. Harte, not on profit or fleeting fitness fads.

Our mission is straightforward: At Cycle Breakers, we empower people to reclaim  their health, worthiness and connection to themselves and others. 

If you've read this far, you're likely ready to make a change. What’s holding you back? Why not take the leap? It’s time to bet on yourself. 

Register now and give yourself 30 days to see real transformations and establish new, healthier habits.

Ready to start?

Join the Cycle Breaker Community today and sign up for our life-changing program!

Here's Whats Included


•  Immediate access to our content library with hundreds of pre-recorded workouts, stretch programs and guided meditations.

•  Exclusive "how to" content with Dr. Harte who offers practical steps to guide you in rewiring the mind-body-soul connection.

•  Monthly challenges to help you create new habits and live your purpose.

 A Live Q+A each month with Dr. Samantha who will share her knowledge and answer your questions.

•  A private self-paced online community that supports each other through their mind-body health and wellness journey.

•  Regularly added workout and wellness videos to keep you engaged and inspired.

•  Personal development exercises designed to help you become your best self.

•  Expert advice from top wellness professionals within Dr. Harte’s network.

Only $12 When You Join Today!

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